How to Spray?
- Shake well before use.
- Use as a surface spray for best results. Hold bottle approx. 30cm from distance & spray until slight wet.
Where to Spray?
- To achieve good results, try to locate and spray on and around breeding and hiding places of insects. (such as dark spots, in corners of rooms, in cupboards, cracks in walls, pipes, ducts, behind and beneath sinks and refrigerators, storerooms, cabinets and rubbish bins, baseboards around window frames, door sills and etc.)
Preventive Concept
- It is NOT recommended to clean or wipe up essence since it will remain active for several weeks and prevent insect re-infestation.
- Use Biokill® preferably for prevention and surface spraying, repeat spraying after 2-3 weeks from first application (mites, fleas and ants in shorter intervals) and from then on spray every 3-4 weeks and 8-12 weeks for Biokill® Universal Insecticide and Biokill® Long Lasting Extra Insecticide respectively.
- The best way to solve pest problem is to keep your environment clean and tidy to prevent infestation from the outside.