Caring Company 2017/2018

Silver Award of Green Office Management Award (SME Award)

Caring Company 2009/2010

Caring Company 2008/2009

ISO 14001:2004 & ISO 9001:2008
We are proud to be the 1st Pest Management Company in Hong Kong to be certified to ISO 14001 & ISO 9001 Standard.
Continuing our work further we are proud to be the 1st Pest Management Company in Hong Kong to gain approval of our environmental and quality management system and achieve ISO 14001 & ISO 9001 certification. But this is just the start. We pledge to continue to improve, develop and research environmentally sustainable products, equipment and pest management strategies long into the future.
What is ISO 14001 & ISO 9001 and how do our clients benefit from this?
ISO 14001 & ISO 9001 is an Environment & Quality Management System that ensures the company applies and maintains stringent guidelines on the internal and external management of all environment & quality factors. ISO 14001 & ISO 9001 ensures continuous improvement, training and communication both within our company, suppliers and to our clients. ISO 14001 & ISO 9001 requires a total commitment and a vision dedicated to environmental & quality performance. It assures our clients of our dedication to safety for people, pets and the environment.

Integrated Management Systems Policy
As a responsible corporate citizen, BioCycle (Hong Kong) Ltd is committed to pollution prevention and continuous improvement of quality and environmental performance during our daily operations in providing pest and termite control services. BioCycle has developed an Integrated Management System (IMS) in accordance with the ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 Standard and has implemented the following measures:
- To provide top quality products and services
- To strive for customer satisfaction
- To comply with applicable legal and other relevant requirements to which the company subscribes, as a mini mum performance standard;
- To adopt technologies, measures and attitudes in preventing or reducing environmental pollution arising from our activities;
- To minimise spillages and potential contamination through the careful handling, storage and disposal of materials and wastes;
- To reduce our waste, reuse and recycle resources whenever practical while providing high quality services to our customers;
- To set objectives and targets to achieve continuous improvement of the IMS , our quality and environmental performance;
- To provide adequate training for staff to enhance their quality and environmental awareness so as to minimise the impact to the environment;
- To respond to product, services & environmental complaints, if any, promptly and take necessary corrective and preventive actions; and
- To encourage our contractors and suppliers to improve their quality & environment performance.
The policy will be communicated to all employees, suppliers and contractors and it will be made available to public on request.
Our Objectives
To pursue our goal to constantly improve our technologies, products and services and to be the best in terms of competence, professionalism, friendliness and environmental consciousness.
We aim at nothing but a top position amongstservice providers in Asia. We plan to expand our operational concept to other Asian countries through our own investments but also looking for partners that are prepared to share our views and invest into the long term.
Our group has invested more than U$3 million to establish the concept of safety and ecology in Hong Kong and is prepared to further invest.
We are a very unique company, offering a real alternative to traditional and toxic methods.
Green SME Gold Award

GOLD Award of Green SME Award for Hong Kong Business Awards 2004 & 2005
BioCycle (Hong Kong) Limited is proud to be a Green SME Gold Award Winner in the 2004 Hong Kong Eco- Business Awards. This is truly a great reward for our commitment to help improve HK environment. We do not do it for any reward but out of our conviction that we have a responsibility towards present and future generations to help improve the environment we live in and to make a conscious effort to reduce levels of pollution.
Pollution now affects almost every corner of our planet and if drastic measures are not taken, many of the changes and damage caused today will become irreversible. We strongly believe that it is a matter of conscience and awareness that makes all the difference. How many times a day do we make decisions just for the sake of convenience? With a little more thought and effort we can contribute much more to create a better world. In our office we have a trend and try to implement all measures we can afford and which are bearable to improve energy efficiency, reduce the levels of pollution we generate and encourage all our staff to pass on this message to friends, colleagues and relatives. We also pass on the message to our vendors & suppliers alike, clients, as well as to the public. What better way can there be than to be an example, and consequently winning such an award?

The SME Living Business Award
BioCycle offers environmentally sound pest management services. lt markets and utilises biodegradable products inly, and is the first Hong Kong pest control company at achieve ISO 14001 certification. lt won a Green SME Gold Award in 2004 and has launched a year-round environment awareness progamme, complete with cash prizes and ‘Environmental Ambassador’ awards.

Hong Kong Awards for Industries
2005 Hong Kong Awards For Industries Environmental Performance Certificate of Merit
The Hong Kong Awards for Industries was officially incepted in 2005 by merging the Hong Kong Awards for Industry launched in 1989 and the Hong Kong Awards for Services launched in 1997 to rationalize and broaden the scope of existing awards. The merged Awards Scheme continues to recognize the outstanding achievements of Hong Kong enterprises in their move towards higher technology and higher value-added activities.
We are proud of being the winner of Environmental Performance Certificate of Merit in the 2005 Hong Kong Awards for Industries. As one of the leading frontiers of environmental management in SMEs, this honor further commits our environmental achievement to be as excellent as other corporate in Hong Kong.